Liquidity Aggregation

Spencer Logic brings best order execution at your fingertips. Our Multi-asset aggregation engine sources liquidity from external (A book) and internal (B book)pools.

This allows for efficient liquidity management and smart direct routing to the best bid-ask price, significantly compressing spreads and maximizing liquidity and depth of book.

Liquidity aggregation tailored to your needs

Liquidity aggregation can be challenging, considering that you have to balance between delivering the best short-term and long-term bid-ask pricing to your traders.

Spencer Logic has created a set of aggregation models - so that you will not have to worry about bad prints, stale pricing and rejected orders.

Increase profitability with
our dynamic order routing

  • Orders are dynamically routed based on price, timing, reliability and cost ensuring execution for maximum profitability..

Diversify liquidity streams

By combining Spencer Logic’s powerhouse liquidity aggregator and trading infrastructure, you can diversify liquidity streams, generate market depth and new income flows.
  • Effortlessly link to multiple liquidity providers
  • Improve trade execution in real-time
  • Cleverly manage risk & shield against quote errors
  • Use our exclusive engine for dual trading roles

Seamless workflow